
Since its inception in 2010, SSDH has been working with renowned organisations like CII,HPCL,GAIL, Delhi Police, Gurgaon Police, Delhi Police Special Unit for North East Region, Honda Two Wheelers , Govt of Haryana , Govt of Telangana, Govt of Manipur and various other organisations with a single aim of impacting youth by skilling them and enabling them to earn a decent livelihood.
Our work has always been appreciated by those who support us by funding our projects as well as providing other resources. Theirrecognition and accolades encourage us and make our resolve more stronger to skill people from all walks of life.
We are grateful for every appreciation and recognition received, and dedicate these to all stakeholders of each and every project.
Few Letters of Appreciations are shown hereunder, which act as a motivation and prompt us to work even harder as we have miles and miles to go in the journey of transforming lives of our youth.